CMLD-BU-July2013 was provided to ICCB-Longwood from the Center for Molecular Discovery (BU-CMD) [previously referred to as the Center for Chemical Methodology and Library Development at Boston University, CMLD-BU] in July 2013 and was plated in August 2013. This library was generated with the goal of creating novel compounds via stereocontrolled synthesis to uniquely examine three-dimensional space, and includes sublibraries of over 20 unique complex chemotypes.

Number of Compounds 2,677
Plate Numbers 3568-3575 (8 Plates)  
Concentration Information 10 mM in DMSO

384-well Plate Format

Refer to BU-CMD’s website for more information regarding the methods utilized in compound synthesis as well as the BU-CMD publications section for specific examples of compounds generated.

Currently, this library is only available to academic investigators. Screening positives that have been confirmed by follow-up experiments on cherry picked samples can be further researched via collaboration with BU-CMD. Please contact Jennifer Smith for an introduction to the appropriate contacts at BU-CMD.

This library requires permission to screen, please contact Jennifer Smith if you are interested in screening this library. 

This library requires permission before screening. ICCB-Longwood screeners interested in screening this library should contact Jennifer Smith for more details.