
Library Name Number of Compounds Number of Plates ICCB-L Plate Numbers
BU-CMD 2017 2,457 7 3762-3768
Gray Kinase Inhibitors 187 1 2043
Gray Focused Library 2019 88 (x4) 1 3883
LDDN-CNS 320 1 3760
LINCS1 - Kinase Inhibitors 88 (x4) 1 3265

LINCS2 - Kinase Inhibitors

88 (x4) 1 3295

LINCS3 -Chromatin Targeting

41 (x4) 1 3426

LINCS4 - Kinase Inhibitors

169 (x4) 3 3672-3674

LSP Optimal Kinase Library

192 (x4) 3 3963-3965

LSP Optimal Kinase Library 1mM

192 1 3966

Ludwig Metabolic 2

240 (x10) 10 3865-3874

Panacea Channel Modulator Library

154 (x4) 2 3930-3931

If you have screened a library at ICCB-L that you cannot find on this list, please check the retired libraries list. 

The GSK Kinase Inhibitor Library is now available through the University of North Carolina as the newly designed Kinase Chemogenomic Set (KCGS), with improved coverage of the human kinome. Here is a link for requesting KCGSv2.0, with directions on obtaining the screening library and agreements for use. You are welcome to contact ICCB-L staff to discuss the logistics of screening this library.